Pros for Decriminalizing then Legalizing Cannabis

The lobbying for legalizing Cannabis across the United States has gotten an overwhelming YES! Then the next thing should be considerations must be had for the reasons to legalize that matter. Many reasons are floating around for legalization yet, the cards must squarely be laid on the table, for greater understanding of the responsibility for this. 

What Are The Main Arguments for Legalizing Cannabis 

We know that Cannabis is a drug that has psychoactive chemicals in its DNA. We also know some chemicals medically help in the relief of some ailments; CBD. Now, the reasons mainly for the vote to legalize Cannabis are: 

● Harmless 

● Its medical benefits to humans 

● Good revenue generator/ job creation 

● Great nutrition value 

● Environmentally friendly to grow 


Compared to alcohol and tobacco, Cannabis is harmless. People believe it is harmful based on the anecdotal reports that have been around for decades. Because not enough scientific information was available back then people who used the drug irresponsibly had issues. The truth is; lots of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, have more dangerous effects on humans than Cannabis. Yet, alcohol and tobacco, which we know, are not classified as drugs; and every year, people get admitted for cirrhosis of the liver and lung cancer from using continuously. 

Cannabis Medical Benefits to Humans 

With the majority of the US; being legalized for medical cannabis use, more doctors that believe in its curative and helping properties for some ailments have welcomed the move. More people are using medical Cannabis for ailments that doctors find difficult to treat and may leave their patients addicted to the pharmaceutical drugs administered. Medical Cannabis is used for conditions, such as digestive disorders, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and lots more. 

The CBD/THC blend of chemicals in varying grammages aids in the relief of these issues. The continued debate as to its benefits continues while people are getting relief from years of debilitating symptoms. People are getting excellent treatment for

glaucoma, a chronic eye condition that causes blindness in many people worldwide. So the discussion continues, and people are getting relief because; Cannabis is legalized for medical use. 

Good Revenue and Job Creator 

The government has the best opportunity to watch the country’s coffers’ replenished from all aspects of cannabis sales. Not only from sales but taxes, licenses, scientific research, etc. They can guarantee employment from dispensaries, growers, and product manufacturers, making Cannabis gummies, vaping paraphernalia, edibles, clothing, fabric, furniture, and lots more. We have to start thinking outside the box on this one. Gone are the days when weed was stigmatized. 

Great Nutritional Value 

The Cannabis plant, like Hemp, is choc-full of nutrients. Its reported containing; antioxidants, omega-3, and disease-fighting properties, as testified by Dr. William Courtney in California. Dr. Courtney’s wife suffered with Lupus for years. He started treating her with Green Juice made from Cannabis, and after several weeks of treatment, her symptoms improved. She has not stopped drinking the Cannabis Green Juice since, and their promotion of the many benefits of using the plant has intensified. 

Environmentally Friendly 

Growing cannabis can be a simple affair. Like any other plant, once you understand its needs nutritionally, sunlight, and water are good to go. The plant does not even need fertilizer once your soil has the right nutritional content. 

Like cotton and bamboo, cannabis fibers’, are excellent for making fabric, paper, clothing, household plates, and utensils. So, the sky’s the limit once you start thinking outside the proverbial box. 

There are many natural benefits to be had from Cannabis legalization. Lobbying for full legalization for both medical and recreational use is not a burden. The Laws governing Cannabis, can still be applied based on grammage for consumption, conformity for a place to sell, proper license for dispensers, and the lot. The responsibility to adhere to age requirements for use is also a factor.

Featured - Pros for Decriminalizing then Legalizing Cannabis

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