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Vaping Cannabis is a different experience than smoking weed. The extract and terpenes derived from the distilling of cannabis flower are higher in THC content. While smoking some flowers will give you a high; that is controllable, it is not so with vaping THC of 70%.
Many experienced vapers of Cannabis THC report that the euphoria they experience after one hit can leave you in a state of relaxation and calm for hours. Not to mention, if you are a new product user, the experience may be horrifying at best. It’s because you have never used any form of Cannabis before, and your introduction to vaping THC must be gradual. The question asked; How many hits do I take off a THC vape pen of 70% potency?
The lengthy routed answer, go slow. The reason for this answer is; that not many people understand this reasoning. The effects of using Cannabis vape pens at 70% potency will hit you hard! Some people have used this potency and found themselves knocked out. The understanding of the drug is way beyond their comprehension.
Consider carefully your reason for using Cannabis and, more so, a vape pen. Weed is decriminalized in some states, but there are still a lot of illegal sellers. They have no regard for human life. The bottom line for them is a quick buck. There have been reports of hospitalizations for using marijuana and finding themselves ill.
Now what? The responsible thing to do is purchase from a registered cannabis dispensary. They are licensed to give you every possible information about any product you buy from their store. Their responsibility to you, answer the question; How many hits do I take off a THC vape pen of 70% potency?
Their question to you is: Is this your first time using the product? If the answer is yes, the information must be slow, for starters.
You should be told:
It does not give you the option to vape in public, especially if you are a first-time user. Some laws govern where you smoke and, unless there is a “Coffee Shop” nearby that is licensed to allow the use of cannabis products, you are acting contrary to the law.
For experienced Cannabis vapors, their level of tolerance may be higher. Though true, they do have a limit to how much THC they consume in any session. They may say, for vaping THC of 70% potency, two hits for them is enough. And, let’s face it, the expense of buying and facilitating your habit may not be a road you want to go down.
Using Cannabis products must be done responsibly. Like any other pharmaceutical drug, alcohol or even smoking tobacco comes with responsibilities. Cannabis is good. The products are useful medicinally and for people that recreationally can handle the experience. If you need to ask the above question then, using a THC 70% Cannabis product may not be for you.
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical compound in marijuana responsible for providing users with the psychoactive effects that make them feel “high.” It acts on specific molecular targets found throughout the body. These cannabinoid receptors are naturally occurring proteins in the body involved in various physiological processes, including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.
THC acts on different cannabinoid receptors in a pattern that strongly mimics the actions of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter produced naturally by the human body. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors is found in parts of the brain responsible for regulating:
-Motor coordination
-Balance and stability
Marijuana’s main psychoactive ingredient dominates your brain activity by preventing the breakdown of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter produced naturally by the human body. It modulates memory, motor coordination, emotions, appetite, pain, balance, and more. THC latches onto cannabinoid receptors in a pattern that strongly mimics the actions of anandamide, leading to the euphoric “high” users experience while using marijuana.
The molecular structure of THC is similar to another well-known substance, cannabidiol (CBD). Both meanings have medicinal benefits and are abundant in hemp plants. CBD, however, acts as a mild-affecting and non-psychoactive substance.
The psychoactive effects of THC make it a viable treatment option for those with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety disorders, and much more. It is also frequently prescribed to cancer patients to help fight the terrible side effects of chemotherapy.
Denver dispensaries are popping up all over the city, making it easier than ever to find high-quality medical marijuana. With a wide range of products, THC oil cartridges, and weed strains—there’s something out there for everyone!
If you haven’t already, don’t be afraid to visit a Denver dispensary! When you visit a Denver dispensary, here’s what to expect:
– You must provide proof of your medical marijuana card and photo ID.
– Once inside the dispensary, take in the intense aromas and look at all the products on display. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about each strain and its effects—the budtender should be well-informed about all the products in stock.
– Keep in mind that when you use medical marijuana, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours before you notice an effect. The duration of typical high lasts between four and eight hours.
– And most importantly: Have fun! So what is THC? THC is the chemical compound in marijuana responsible for providing users with psychoactive effects that make them feel “high.” It acts on specific molecular targets found throughout the body.
Now you know what to expect when visiting a Denver dispensary and more about THC!
We hope this article helped answer your question about what THC is! If you have any more questions, please ask us in the comments below or visit our blog at!
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